WWTI: [Uniandes] Justicia Climática en Latinoamérica y el Caribe: Una perspectiva desde los docentes de la Universidad de los Andes

[English] Climate Justice in Latin America and the Caribbean: A perspective from the professors of the Universidad de los Andes

WWTI: [Uniandes] Justicia Climática en Latinoamérica y el Caribe: Una perspectiva desde los docentes de la Universidad de los Andes

Hosted by Universidad de los Andes

Date & Time: March 30, 2022 from 11AM-12:30PM (IET) Check your local time

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El término “Justicia Climática” utilizado por primera vez durante la COP 6 (2000), es pertinente para hablar del cambio climático más allá de la ciencia ambiental, abordando términos como justicia social y desigualdad. El concepto de Justicia Climática atribuye la responsabilidad del cambio climático a la humanidad, aportando una visión ética y motivando a la sociedad a tomar parte en la acción y mitigación de este. Se busca abordar el fenómeno como una oportunidad para actuar de forma ética ante decisiones políticas y económicas y así proteger al medio ambiente y a la población. El objetivo de este Webinar es discutir sobre el concepto de justicia climática desde diferentes áreas de experticia. También se presentan proyectos que muestran el gran abanico de temas que se pueden tratar en pro de tomar acción por el clima.

[English translate from Google Translate: The term “Climate Justice” used for the first time during COP 6 (2000), is relevant to talk about climate change beyond environmental science, addressing terms such as social justice and inequality. The concept of Climate Justice attributes responsibility for climate change to humanity, providing an ethical vision and motivating society to take part in action and mitigation of it. It seeks to address the phenomenon as an opportunity to act ethically in the face of political and economic decisions and thus protect the environment and the population. The objective of this Webinar is to discuss the concept of climate justice from different areas of expertise. Projects are also presented that show the wide range of issues that can be addressed in favor of taking action for the climate.]

Worldwide Teach-In

APRU is a strategic partner with Bard College to help mobilize 1000 communities, in-person and online, in a one-day WORLDWIDE Teach-In on climate solutions and justice on March 30, 2022.


APRU Disclaimer: The views, information, or opinions expressed during the event are solely those of the individuals involved and do not necessarily represent those of The Association of Pacific Rim Universities (“APRU”) and its employees. APRU is not responsible and does not verify for accuracy any of the information contained in the conference.



Anya Wong
Program Officer
Email: [email protected]
