Congratulatory comment from Association of Pacific Rim Universities Global Health Program

University students’ perspectives on tobacco control in the Asia-Pacific: A content analysis of a case competition

Metal contamination and bioremediation of agricultural soils for food safety and sustainability

Performance of Initial Screening Tests for Colorectal Cancer and Subsequent Adherence to Colonoscopy: An ecological study

Inequities, vulnerabilities and ethics in the time of COVID-19: diverse perspectives from the APRU Global Health Program

COVID-19’s unsustainable waste management

Microplastic’s role in antibiotic resistance

Managing and responding to pandemics in higher educational institutions: initial learning from COVID-19

Stigma of mental illness and cultural factors in Pacific Rim region: a systematic review

Mobility restrictions were associated with reductions in COVID‑19 incidence early in the pandemic: evidence from a real‑time evaluation in 34 countries