AI for Social Good (Phase I)

The AI for Social Good Phase I focused on bringing together a network of AI experts across disciplines to explore how policies can support the adequate promotion and control of AI for the good of society. An adequate governance system for the development, management, and use of AI is seen as crucial in ensuring that the benefits of integrating and analyzing large quantities of data are maximized, while the potential risks are mitigated.

Outcomes of the two year project are the:

Artificial Intelligence for Social Good Report which feature realities and experiences from Asia and the Pacific, and provides various perspectives on what AI for social good may look like in this region. The report offers suggestions from the research community on how policymakers can encourage, use, and regulate AI for social good.

In this phase, the project team also held a AI For Social Good Summit in November 2020.

Two documents, AI For Social Good Insight Briefs 1 & Briefs 2, were published after the Summit.

Jiro Kokuryo (Academic Lead)
Keio University
Hideaki Shiroyama (Academic Co-lead)
The University of Tokyo
Yoshiaki Fukami (Academic Project Coordinator)
Keio University
Cherry Wong (Academic Project Coordinator)
Keio University
Caitlin Bentley
The Australian National University & Sheffield University
Mark Findlay
Singapore Management University
Arindrajit Basu (team lead)
Centre for Internet & Society, India
Elonnai Hickok (team member)
Centre for Internet & Society, India
Amber Sinha (team member)
Centre for Internet & Society, India
Soraj Hongladarom
Chulalongkorn University
Kyoung Jun Lee
Kyung Hee University
M. Jae Moon
Yonsei University
Wai Ho Wilson Wong
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Masaru Yarime
The University of Hong Kong Science and Technology

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